
These are tried, tested and much loved recipes. Our families and friends are always unselfish and devote themselves to taste-testing these delicious creations and demand them repeatedly time and time again.

Our aim is to share with you our favourite meals and the little tricks and tips we have learnt along the way.
Time is precious.
Food is expensive.

Both are resources too valuable to waste.

We want to share recipes that deliver delicious, nourishing meals - making the most of your time and ingredients.

Life is way too short for bland, disappointing food.
So ... Feed your inner cook - and Enjoy!

Tuesday 29 March 2022

Pickled chillies

 With gardening sometimes there is scarcity and sometimes there is glut.  Well I certainly have a surplus of these bell or bishop's hat chillies.  They do freeze well but I did want to preserve some as well.  Trying not to have too much sugar, so chilli jam is out so I gave pickling a try.  It is very simple but very satisfying seeing the bottles all lined up.  The most tricky part is slicing the chillies so your fingers don't burn. They say rubbing a little oil on first, but I am not sure I trust myself with a sharp knife and slippery fingers.


1 tablespoon salt

1 teaspoon sugar

1 cup water

3/4 cup white vinegar

Garlic clove

Chopped chillies of choice

Note: I did 3 x times the above


Remove green stalk from chilli, chop into rounds or slices or both.

These are very mild so there is no need to reduce the heat by removing the seeds and membrane.

Place in a clean jar.

Combine the first 5 ingredients in a saucepan and bring to the boil,  Let boil for a couple of minutes,

Pour into a jug with a spout to make filling the jars easier.

Pour liquid over chillies.

Screw on lid and pickles should be at their best in a week or 2.

Happy preserving.

Mamma Marmalade

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