
These are tried, tested and much loved recipes. Our families and friends are always unselfish and devote themselves to taste-testing these delicious creations and demand them repeatedly time and time again.

Our aim is to share with you our favourite meals and the little tricks and tips we have learnt along the way.
Time is precious.
Food is expensive.

Both are resources too valuable to waste.

We want to share recipes that deliver delicious, nourishing meals - making the most of your time and ingredients.

Life is way too short for bland, disappointing food.
So ... Feed your inner cook - and Enjoy!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Davidson Plum Jam

Davidson Plums are bush tucker that grow in the subtrobical rainforests of  Northern NSW and Far North Queensland.  It took me a little while to know how to make this extremely sour fruit palatable.  This gorgeous purple spread is tart and a perfect accompaniment with cheese, spread on toasted sourdough or poured over ice cream.  A friend recently used it to baste her Christmas ham.




1 kg Davidson Plums (yielded 885g pulp – pureed)
885g sugar
Several lemon myrtle leaves (optional)
1 tablespoon lemon juice



Cut plums and remove the stones there are two per plum. Puree with a stick blender to break down the skin. Place plums in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Stir in the sugar, add the lemon myrtle and the lemon juice and cook at a high temperature for about 20 minutes.
Test as you would for jam by placing a small amount on a saucer in the freezer for a couple of minutes, remove and run a finger through the jam, if it separates and wrinkles it is ready.
Don't worry if it turns out too thin, you have just made Davidson Plum sauce instead.
Place into sterilised bottles and label.

Country goodness
Mama Marmalade


  1. I have not made jam before because of the skinning of the oragnes etc but this sounds like a good one to try first. I like the sound of if not jammy enough it is still yummy as a sauce. PS love the photos too

  2. As a very lucky and grateful friend who has received some of this divine ambrosia - I will happily testify that it tastes sublime, can be used to enhance so many different dishes and yum, yum, yum. I truly appreciate the effort involved and just happen to have a vacant spot in the pantry ... (hint, grovel, hint)
    Cheers from Peach Tart
